TMMBA Admissions Tip: Still need to take the GMAT or GRE Admissions Exam?

As part of our admissions process, the Technology Management MBA Program (TMMBA) requires scores from either the GMAT or GRE. Both exams assess your verbal, quantitative and analytical writing skills; therefore we do not prefer one exam over the other. We recommend you choose the exam that best aligns with your strengths.

Which exam is right for me?

One way to decide is to take a practice exam for both the GMAT and the GRE and compare your results. If that seems excessive, then just take the quantitative sections for each exam. Short of that, you can consider the following differentiators for each exam to help you decide.


  • The math is considered more difficult on the GMAT than it is on the GRE. The quantitative section of the GMAT includes data sufficiency, which has proven challenging for some test takers. The data sufficiency section not only measures your ability to analyze data but it also requires you to draw conclusions using reasoning skills. Also, you may not use a calculator on this exam.
  • The verbal section is considered easier than the GRE because the questions evaluate your grammar, critical reasoning, and reading comprehension but doesn’t test your vocabulary like the GRE does.
  • The interface can be challenging because there is no going back or forward through exam questions. You must answer each question before proceeding.
  • The test overall is more forgiving. You can miss several questions and still get a high score.
  • It is very hard to get a top quantitative score, but it is relatively easy to get a top verbal score due to the high percentage of math-focused test-takers.


  • The quantitative section of the GRE is said to be “easier” because it includes straight forward math problems versus the more complex quantitative plus reasoning problems you find on the GMAT. Test takers can use a calculator on this section.
  • The verbal section can be more challenging because it often incorporates vocabulary-based questions in its reading comprehension, text completion and sentence equivalence sections.
  • The interface allows you to go back and forward, making it much easier to use.
  • Overall the test is quite unforgiving, particularly for math: a few errors can drop your score significantly.

Want a simple plan of attack?

Woman studying

Here’s what we recommend:

  1. Decide on which exam to take.
  2. Take a practice exam for the exam of your choice. The most accurate predictor of performance can be found on the official GMAT or GRE websites. Use this score as your benchmark.
  3. Develop a study plan. We recommend checking out some of those test prep services, e.g., Kaplan or Princeton Review. At the very least you can attend a free introductory seminar that will give you a ton of great tips on effective study strategies as well as the exam itself. We host a couple each year at the Kirkland campus. Keep an eye out for one on our TMMBA Admissions Events calendar.
  4. Register for your official exam (GMAT or GRE). A deadline will help you stay focused. In order to be considered for the second cohort, you will need to take the exam by the final application deadline, August 1, so schedule your test accordingly.
  5. Begin studying.
    • Sixty days of studying is ideal. If you need to take the exam sooner than 60 days,you will need to adjust your plan and increase the number of hours you study each day.
    • We recommend you focus on your problem areas twice as much as your areas of strength. Do not ignore the parts where you feel initially confident. Many prospective students have told us how they regret not studying for the sections they thought they had already mastered.
    • Simulate the exam as many times as you can. The more you test yourself and revise your plan, the more effective your study will be. Save the official exams on the GMAT/GRE sites for last.
    • Devour every article, study guide, video and workbook you can find (from a respectable source) to help improve your skills. The official GMAT and GRE sites are a good starting place.
  6. Three days before your official exam take the second simulated exam available on the official GMAT/GRE website. Compare this with your benchmark (step #2 above). See how all your studying paid off!

If you’d like more information about the TMMBA, please join us for an online Info Session. The TMMBA admissions team is here to help you along the way. Connect with us individually or join us for an upcoming Application Workshop for more tips on navigating the admissions process.

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