Consulting: A path to greater expectations

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Sora Yi with client Synthia Melton, owner of Dimension Law Group.

Sora Yi, Foster BA, Class of 2017, talks about how her internship at the Consulting & Business Development Center exceeded her summer expectations.

Before embarking on my summer internship at the Consulting and Business Development Center, I was anxious to learn what lay ahead. Coming previously from a science track background, I hardly even knew what consulting entailed. I imagined myself working closely under supervision and maybe even being micro-managed. However, I learned early on that this would not be the case.  The expectations that I had coming in and the reality of the internship could not have been more different.

What I did not expect was how much of an impact that I could make on the three businesses that I was assigned. It was amazing to see the level of trust and professionalism given to me as a student intern by some of the most passionate entrepreneurs I have ever met. All of the meetings, project deliverables, and long hours put into these three companies have turned into actionable  recommendations that have been implemented by these three businesses, which is a very, very rewarding feeling.

What I did not expect was the network of professionals that I gained and the support that they provided me through this consulting internship.  I had the opportunity to work with professional advisors from three very different industries who helped me throughout my projects and contributed to my own personal and professional development.

What I did not expect was the new support system I gained through my fellow student peers and the staff at the Consulting Center. I was so lucky to work alongside other supportive and hardworking student interns. Additionally, I am lucky to have been able to work under supervisors who are so passionate about the mission of the Center and value the learning experience of the interns.

Ultimately, what I have gained this summer is a new found passion for consulting, a new found sense of confidence, and a whole new network of people of whom I am so fortunate to have worked with. I would recommend any student who is even remotely considering pursuing consulting to apply to any of the various programs that the Consulting and Business Development Center offers.  For my clients, the culmination of my work this summer lead to recommendations that I hope will bring them large dividends.  For me, the extensive personal and professional growth that I’ve gained through this experience cannot be quantified.


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