Does it get any easier?

Milind Lele, TMMBA Student (Class of 2011)

I had been meaning to post since the beginning of the program. We are more than halfway through the second quarter of the program and I have only now managed to find some time.

The first quarter was quite challenging. We had four courses, each had a lot of reading and its share of assignments. But the real challenge is one of being able to settle quickly into a rhythm. It takes time. This quarter feels a shade lighter. One reason is that we have three courses instead of four. But the more important reason is that I am starting settle into a better pattern.

It need not take more than a quarter to get used to the workload. It helps a great deal to learn from fellow classmates and alumni. This forum has great nuggets of advice that I found useful. I hope some of what I will share here throughout the program will be of use to those that follow. As I get better at juggling my schedule, we will see if it gets any easier.

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