GEMBA students say Seattle is ideal for your entire family

One of the biggest challenges for a new GEMBA student is adjusting to life in a new country. With approximately 80% of GEMBA students coming to the University of Washington from other countries, culture shock is something that most of our students experience. The fact that Seattle is such a lovely place to live helps to make this a smooth transition.

In this video, Suyeon Kim (Korea) tells us how much he and his wife enjoy living in Seattle. He cites the safe, clean, hospitable environment as the main reasons they’re so happy here. Suyeon also feels that the local community has welcomed him and his wife very warmly.

Zhanpeng Sun (China) says that, before coming to Seattle, his son knew no English. After attending a public school in Seattle for one year, Leo’s son communicates easily with his teachers and his school friends. Leo even tells us that his son corrects his English pronunciation now!

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