Hybrid MBA Program Experience: Preparing for Immersion

Paccar Hall

Foster School of Business Paccar Hall

Today’s blog post is the second in a series of blog posts that will shed light on the Hybrid MBA Program experience. This series will focus on a variety of topics, including the Immersions, Foster Live sessions, on-campus activities, career management resources and more.  This week’s topic focuses on getting ready for the first quarterly Immersion.

The first day of the Hybrid MBA Program doesn’t start on the first day of class.

Unlike your undergraduate experience where you show up the first day reviewing the syllabus, in a Foster MBA Program, on the first day you will be expected to show up prepared. You and your cohort will come to the Immersion prepared to share your perspective, prepared with any pre-work that is required for the course, and prepared to discuss the readings.

We want you to know this so that you start your MBA experience putting your best self forward and are set up for success from the very beginning.

Here is what you can expect on how best to prepare:

  • Students are mailed their books and other materials the first week of September.
  • Canvas (the online learning management system we will use) courses are available to students early September.
  • Students should work on completing reading, problem sets and other items needed in preparation for Immersion day one.
  • You will meet virtually with your  pre-assigned study group and discuss the reading(s).
  • Work with your study group to create V1 of the Team Charter template.
  • Find a way to celebrate the journey you will start soon!

Now that you have a sense of how to prepare, the next blog post in this series will focus on study groups. Stay tuned!

Updated 07.20.2021

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