M is for Maximize


Many of our readers have pressing questions about the Technology Management MBA from UW’s Foster School of Business.  So, we’ve decided to post some answers about the MBA for technology professionals.  If you have a question of your own,  please feel free to write Dear TMMBA  or you can call us at 206-221-6914.

Will my diploma say I have a “TMMBA”? How does it work, and what will my credentials be in the marketplace?
-M is for Maximize

Dear M is for Maximize,
If it is the reputation, recognition and rankings of a high caliber MBA that you seek to leverage, look no further. Foster’s MBA programs have an excellent reputation with employers, are recognized for both their rigor and relevance and are highly ranked by BusinessWeek, US News & World Report, Financial Times, etc. The Michael G. Foster School of Business is the premier business school at the University of Washington. Your diploma will read: “Masters of Business Administration.”

Read other ‘Dear TMMBA’ stories.

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