What to pack and budget abroad

By: Jo Yee Yap, Foster Undergraduate and GBC Study Abroad Scholarship Recipient who participated in an exchange with the National University of SingaporeJo Yee Yap

To avoid the hassle on the first day, I would suggest packing a pillow, bed sheets, and a thin blanket. It was the best decision as I didn’t need to take the time to shop for these items. Also bring a foldable laundry basket you can purchase for a couple dollars at Daiso. With these items taking up a majority of luggage space, it is great as you will have this space to fit other souvenirs you will buy when returning home. Have everything ready and packed such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, school supplies, and toiletries essentials.

I would recommend keeping a journal and writing about the events that occurred each day, as it will serve as a good memory down the road, and also gives you the opportunity to reflect on your day.

I created a general excel sheet to record my expenses, to make sure I was not exceeding my amount. It helped me realize which category I was spending the most money in, such as food or entertainment, and what I needed to cut back on to help me get through the entire semester.
Jo Yee Yap

It is helpful to bring plenty of cash abroad and to create a local DBS bank account for purchases. It is easy and free to open. Most stores take NETS which is equivalent to a DBS debit card. A lot of vendors do require cash only so always have a couple of dollars with you wherever you go.

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