Study Abroad Photo Contest 2015
In honor of the Global Business Center celebrating its 25th year, the 2015 Study Abroad Photo Contest expanded to include not just current Foster School Students, but also Foster School alumni! The submissions to this year’s contest are visual representations of the transformative global experiences the Global Business Center creates each year. The stunning photos capture all corners of the world, and the photo captions make their stories come to life.
Students and alums submitted their photos to one of the following categories:
- Passport to the world: A photo that inspires others to study abroad
- My Global Lens: A photo that displays views uniquely accessible to students living abroad – social issues, cultural interactions, cityscapes, landscapes, etc.
- Foster Spirit: photos showing off Foster/UW swag abroad
- Foster Alumni: A special category with photos capturing the essence of Alumni experiences abroad
Foster School Faculty and Staff judged photos based on creativity, quality, originality, and overall impact. The winning photos received the most votes within their particular category. The People’s Choice winning photo received the greatest number of votes by the general public on the GBC Facebook page.
Enjoy these spectacular photos!
1st Place: Passport to the World AND 1st Place: People’s Choice
Madeline Down, Undergraduate, Half the Sky India Exploration Seminar
Sorry Not Sari: Outside the Taj Mahal, in blinding heat, I was struggling to walk in a poorly wrapped sari. Then, about 8 Indian women appeared out of nowhere (whom I fondly call my Indian Glam Squad) and rewrapped my sari for me. | Agra, India
“Studying abroad in India stretched me beyond what I thought I could be stretched. I had so many learning curves and moments with the people of India I never dreamed possible.”
Honorable Mention: Passport to the World
Henry Milander, Undergraduate, Intensive Arabic summer-study at Qasid Institute
Farewell: So long, and thanks for all the falafel | Al Karak, Jordan
“The Language gains, the reality of what you read only in the news, the relationships with locals and colleagues, and a greater understanding of how my studies will help me in working in the country I was in all have impacted by career goals .”
1st Place: My Global Lens
Greg Maggioncalda, Undergraduate, Triple Impact Morocco Exploration Seminar
Searching: This is a Syrian women who has escaped and is looking for refuge in Morocco. | Fez, Morocco
“Studying abroad in Morocco changed my perspective about my career path”
Honorable Mention: My Global Lens
Cameron Anderson, Undergraduate, Foster School Exchange at Bocconi University in Milan Italy
The colors of culture: Exploring the world with Dawg like confidence | Venice, Italy
“Studying at Bocconi has helped me gain a European perspective on global business”
1st Place: Foster Spirit
Grant Beckett, Undergraduate, Kyoto University International Education Program
Wear Your Colors: While it’s an amazing phenomenon to communicate with others in a language other than your native one, it’s also astounding to be able to connect non-verbally. My attire and hand sign represent the same things that theirs do. | Heian-Jingu Shrine Kyoto, Japan
“Being in an unfamiliar environment forces you to think in new ways, learn at an accelerated rate, and opens your eyes to the little things you would never have contemplated.”
Honorable Mention: Foster Spirit
Louie Tran, Alumni c/o 2014, Study Abroad in South Africa
Huskies in Thailand: Hardly home but ALWAYS representing! | Thailand
“Studying abroad helps you gain a global perspective!”
1st Place: Foster Alumni
Brian Jeng, Alumni c/o 2015, Universidad de Granada Direct Exchange
On Top of the World: Pulpit Rock rises 2,000 feet (equivalent to the old World Trade Center), or about 132 stories out of Lysefjord (Fjord of Light) in Western Norway. My mom snapped this picture of me in the millisecond where there was nobody on the edge. | Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock), Norway
“Study abroad has given me a heightened ability to take a holistic perspective on situations and/or issues. It’s allowed me to consider all angles and account for small details that can prove disastrous. I always wanted to go into consulting because of the ability to travel and always be doing different projects, so my study abroad experience reinforced this fact.”
Honorable Mention: Foster Alumni
Wilson Carletti, Alumni c/o 2014, Border(less) Destinies: Youth, Immigration and Education in Italy & Spain // Summer 2012 + Exploration Seminar: Business in China // Fall 2013
The Bottom Of the World: Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would travel the world by myself, let alone hangout with penguins on the 7th Continent. | Antarctica
“Study abroad and the Bonderman Fellowship have taken me places I had only ever dreamed of, places that only existed in books or on TV and shown me the realities of this world (both good and bad). It has encouraged me to write more and evoked my creativity. Currently I work for a startup aimed at making travel planning simpler and easier for people – my goal is to inspire as many people to travel as possible.
Honorable Mention: People’s Choice
Hana Newman, Undergraduate, Half the Sky India Exploration Seminar
A Curve That Sets Everything Straight: A little girl in a small village in Pondicherry after finding out clean water will be brought to her school through the implementation of water filtration systems. | Pondicherry, India
“The greatest benefit of study abroad is understanding another culture and other ways of life. We are caught up in our American bubble and by traveling I have learned that there are so many other ways of life that have their pros and cons as well.”
See all photos submitted for the contest. Judges included over 40 faculty and staff members. Learn more about MBA and undergraduate study abroad opportunities at the Foster School.