Undergraduate Student Ambassador: Vanessa Garcia
Name: Vanessa Garcia
Major: Finance and American Ethnic Studies
Hometown: Everett, WA
Activities: I am currently VP of Operations of the Association of Black Business Students, a mentor for the Young Executives of Color program, and an intern for La Raza Commission. I love traveling! So far I’ve been to Europe, Mexico, India and Brazil. My next stop is the Dominican Republic.
Why Foster?: Foster provides amazing resources, support and opportunities for growth as professionals and individuals.
Over Summer Break I… will be taking summer classes and interning with a local company.
After graduation, I plan on… traveling and then beginning my career in the Seattle area.
Advice to future students: Get organized! Buy an agenda or use Google calendars to plan out your study schedule ahead of time. Trust me, it helps.
Favorite place to study: Any study room in the Michael G Foster School of Business
Favorite place to eat on the Ave: Yummy Bites! They have the best teriyaki.