Elizabeth Stearns receives Husky Green Award
Elizabeth Stearns, senior lecturer of marketing at the Foster School, received a Husky Green Award for demonstrating leadership, initiative, and dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainability at the University of Washington. The award was presented during the Earth Day Celebration on April 22.
Her recognition comes from the UW community of students, faculty, and staff who have noticed the importance of her contributions to positively impacting our UW culture and university life experience. As a Husky Green Award winner, Stearns is being recognized for catalyzing others to engage with sustainability, while serving the UW community with exemplary service and leadership.
Stearns has worked to create a systems approach for sustainability across the Foster School. She teaches a cases in sustainability class with a systematic and holistic approach to sustainability, as well as promoting this vision in her other classes. She has been an active Net Impact Foster MBA Chapter Board member for nine years, helping foster a space for MBA students to discuss and promote ideas of sustainability. She has influenced many Foster alumni to work for sustainability, and to consider the economic, social, and environmental impact of every decision made.
Stearns has been at the Foster School since 1995 and received the PACCAR Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2000.