The Golden Abacus
For the first time in two years, Foster’s Graduate Accounting Programs were able to conduct the annual Golden Abacus Competition! The classes of 2022 Master of Science in Taxation program and the Master of Professional Accounting program competed with each other to see who could get the highest participation in their fundraising efforts. To up the stakes this year, the faculty directors from both programs – Crystal Finkelstein (MST) and Matt Van Winkle (MPAcc) agreed to get pied in the face if their programs won.

The Master of Science in Taxation program win this year’s Golden Abacus Trophy
The MST class won with a 100% class participation rate. Raising $385 for the Bill Resler Endowment Fund. This endowment supports yearly scholarships for students in the MST program.
MPAcc came in a close 2nd place, with 99% participation. They did win in total amount raised, with $572.45. Those funds will go towards helping MPAcc students who find themselves dealing with unforeseen financial crises while in the program.
The winner of the competition gets their class and year engraved on the infamous and highly regarded Golden Abacus Trophy.
On May 11th, both programs came together to celebrate the incredible success and participation of the groups this year with an event for both eating and wearing pies. Both groups were eager to pie their director in the face – and since both groups won in some regard, both Crystal and Matt were happy to participate
Congratulations to the MST program for their victory this year, we are excited to officially welcome back the Golden Abacus Competition.

Faculty Director, Crystal Finkelstein after receiving a pie to the face

MPAcc Faculty Director, Matt Van Winkel with his pie
Learn more about the specialized Master of Accounting programs at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business.