Tracy Gojdics, Director

Hi, my name is Tracy Gojdics and I am the Program Director for the Technology Management MBA program and a proud alumna of the program. I thought I would give you a summary of the program and invite you to contact me if you have questions or would like to talk about the program. We can meet in person or talk over the phone. Of course, if you are ever in the neighborhood we’d love to have you stop by our facility in Kirkland.

The Technology Management MBA Program is unique in that it is the only 18-month, tech-focused MBA program offered at the UW Foster School of Business. It is also the only program to be offered exclusively on the Eastside in Kirkland. The Program started in January 2001 and has grown to nearly 600 alumni and students. In January 2006 the program expanded to accommodate two sections of approximately 42 students per section.

The program is an excellent MBA option for busy professionals who are passionate about technology. Students are able to complete an MBA degree in a short timeframe while acquiring critical and applicable business management knowledge and skills that allow them to think more strategically and take on leadership roles within their organizations.

But, let me say that this program is challenging. It requires a lot of commitment and time. Students generally spend between 15 and 20 hours per week on school-related activities and they have both individual and team projects throughout each quarter. With three classes per quarter (a full load!) there isn’t time to squander. Support is key. The support students receive from the TMMBA program team is outstanding. Study teams also serves as a great support for students during the program. And support from family and friends helps too!

I have seen several students graduate from this program and I can tell you that each of them have transformed themselves during the 18-months. It is both personally and professionally enriching and the relationships formed last well beyond graduation. I’d love to tell you more.

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