Foster ranks #1 in percentage of MBAs hired by tech companies
The Foster School of Business ranked #1 among the nation’s top business schools with 43 percent of graduating MBAs securing high-paying positions in technology according to Poets & Quants. The Foster School’s MBA talent and its location in Seattle is a major advantage for Foster MBA grads seeking tech jobs–Poets & Quants notes that Foster’s “corporate neighbors include two of the most aggressive consumers of MBA talent: Amazon and Microsoft.” However, thanks to the school’s relationships with a wide range of companies, the hiring opportunities were much more diverse: Foster MBA graduates took tech jobs at firms including EMC, NetApp, Samsung, Tektronix, and VMware.
Seattle’s tech sector attracts MBAs from around the country with competitive compensation and Foster’s median $120K MBA tech salaries stack up against graduates from Northwestern (Kellogg), Chicago (Booth), Pennsylvania (Wharton), Cornell (Johnson), and Berkeley (Haas).
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way to go Fosters!!!!