Foster MBAs and the Pacific Northwest
One of the best things about attending Foster is you get access to everything that Seattle and Washington State has to offer. The #PNW ( Pacific Northwest) is peppered liberally on Instagram and is most common on posts involving people hiking, paddle boarding and enjoying everything outdoors.

Class of 2019 student Marshelle Slayton and husband Trevor Bouten on Mount Washington
Summers in Seattle are not to be missed, and Foster MBA students take full advantage of the gorgeous weather and the proximity we enjoy to many mountains and lakes. Many incoming students choose to spend their time in the weeks and possibly months leading up to business school taking advantage of everything this gorgeous state has to offer.

Class of 2019 Blue Dot Katherine Lane at Heather Lake
The best part about living in Seattle is that you don’t need to travel far to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Looking for a relatively easy hike? Tiger Mountain is a 30-minute drive away. Feeling a bit more adventurous and want to challenge yourself? Mount Washington will greet you with a 4,000 feet elevation gain that has to be scaled in less than 4 miles! And it’s only an hour away from the city which means you get back that much sooner to rest those sore muscles. If hiking is not your thing, you can always take a ferry to the San Juan Islands to indulge in some paddle boarding, camping or just lay in a hammock and take in some gorgeous sunsets.

Class of 2019 student Loris Zarzar on the Mount Washington trail
Let’s not forget the group of Foster MBA students who attempt to summit Mount Rainier, the tallest peak in Washington, every year! This year the summit was successfully attempted by 10 students from the class of 2018 and 2019, and the climb was the culmination of a year of intense training and preparation. I was assured that the pictures below don’t do justice to the actual views from the top. Not many men and women can boast of walking on land higher than the clouds, and these students earned it!

Class of 2019 student Levi Zurbrugg on Mount Rainier
As you can see, Seattle and Washington have a lot to offer the outdoor junkie. Pack those bags! The PNW is waiting for you!

MBAs from the class of 2018 and 2019 on the summit of Mount Rainier