Going back to school is FUN!
Wei Huang, TMMBA Student (Class of 2012)
I never thought I being saying this but going back to school is fun. Even when I come from work all tried and frustrated, I get re-energized when I come to class on Wednesdays. I see my fellow students who are either studying up for the class ahead or just chatting away with each other. And very often, I meet someone new and just chat away before dinner.
It is so nice to have dinner waiting for you. I remember as an undergrad, I hate going hungry and I would always make a quick trip to buy food. Here in the TMMBA program, food is just steps away. We’ve had Chinese, Indian, Italian and American food. All the food is served with veggies, fruit, and desert. As you might already know, TMMBA has unlimited soda and ice cream. If you are like me who works for company that provides free soda, you probably know how comforting it is to have that benefit. Now just add the unlimited ice cream to that equation and it’s all that much better. The ice creams and sodas are not just their to quench your thirst and appetite, it’s a great way to socialize.
When people ask me how I am doing in the TMMBA program, I get excited and tell them about the new things I learn. The instructors and Teaching Assistants are great. Although I’m not the best learner in the world, I always take something away from class that I can apply to real-world situations.
Another great aspect about the TMMBA program is the speakers who are brought in. Most current was Kurt Shintaffer, who is the CFO from Appito. It was great to hear how he got started in his company and it was even better to ask him questions. I don’t know how often anybody gets to talk to someone in his position let alone ask questions openly. It was a great experience.
We also had former students speak to us about their experience. During our orientation, we had a speaker who was a student in 2005 speak about his experience at TMMBA. What I got out of it was how he leveraged his MBA potentials in interviews to get to where he is at now.
So far the TMMBA program is a blast and I look forward to the many classes ahead.