Khan Academy – my favorite website (and pastime) for 2011 (Tracy Gojdics, Director TMMBA)
Have a hard time remembering exactly how things work or exactly how to explain something? Then you’ll want to check out my favorite website for 2011!
Chances are good if we have talked for any length of time in the past month that I have probably mentioned the entreprenuerial venture Khan Academy (KA). I am one of its biggest fans (along with Bill Gates). I first became aware of KA during the 2011 Eastside Leadership Conference hosted by the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce. During the conference they featured innovators/leaders in the education space with companies such as DreamBox Learning and KA. For KA they showed a Ted talk featuring Salmon Khan where Khan discusses the use of video to reinvent the classroom (also referred to as “flipping the classroom”). I have been hooked on KA ever since.
There is so much to learn via KA – from GMAT Prep to Organic Chemistry to Statistics to the Credit Crisis. I have learned something about all of these subjects, I am by no means an expert. In fact, I find that sometimes it can be difficult for me to explain concepts such as confidence variables or currency trading to others. I know that I know the basics and maybe more than some given the rigorous TMMBA curriculum, but watching the 10-12 minute video segments has really helped to cement my learning.
The videos are not for everyone as you do have to watch them instead of just listen, but I really recommend giving them a shot. Some of the topic areas will make a wonderful supplement to your in-classroom learning. For me, they have served as a great refresher for subjects and topics I’ve learned over the years and best of all – KA is free.
Some people wonder where I find the time to watch these videos. Good question. I usually read for an hour every night. Now I read for 30 minutes and watch 3 videos. I’m up to 4 books and 30 videos since October. Check out my favorite website for 2011 and leave me a comment with your thoughts.