Seattle Growth Podcast 6.11: Building community among filmmakers and film lovers
Seattle is a city of cinephiles. And film lovers and film makers, like other affinity groups, tend to seek each other out.
Season six of the Seattle Growth Podcast continues its exploration of the myriad communities that have formed as the city grows and changes. Episode 11 introduces communities built around the movies.
Vivian Hua, a local writer, filmmaker and organizer, offers insight into the Seattle filmmaking scene. Hua is co-founder of The Seventh Art Stand, former editor-in-chief of the music and arts journal REDEFINE, and currently serves as executive director of Northwest Film Forum.
Northwest Film Forum is a nonprofit film and arts center and a hub of Seattle’s film community. It hosts the Local Sightings Film Festival, bringing together industry professionals, artists and a diverse group of community members, from September 20-29.
Subscribe with iTunesThe Seattle Growth Podcast is hosted and produced by Jeff Shulman, the Marion B. Ingersoll Professor of Marketing at the UW Foster School of Business.
Shulman is also the co-director and producer of On the Brink, the acclaimed documentary of history, hope and determination to save Seattle’s vanishing Central District. The film screens at several locations around the country over the coming weeks, including events in Los Angeles, Columbus and Chicago. In Seattle, it screens October 19 at the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) and November 20 at Garfield High School’s Quincy Jones Performing Arts Center.