Student anticipation for this week’s Winter Hybrid MBA immersion.
We often get asked about the impact of our in-person immersion experience. Eric Farrugia, a first year Hybrid MBA student, reflects on his first quarter, and shares what getting together with his cohort means for him.
Immersion starts this week – what are you most looking forward to as we come together for immersion?
I’m thrilled about reconnecting with my team and peers as we reunite post our first quarter. It’s an exciting time to strengthen our bond and team dynamics, setting a solid foundation for the upcoming quarter. Immersion feels like the cornerstone for us to refuel and gear up, both intellectually and collaboratively, as we dive into the next chapter of our MBA journey! I think of Immersion as a “going back to the well” experience.
With your first quarter behind you, how was your Autumn HMBA experience?
The first quarter surpassed all my expectations. It was intense and thought-provoking, pushing my limits more than ever before, while simultaneously providing a strong sense of accomplishment with each assignment completed. The practical application of the course content in my professional life was a standout feature. The effort and detail invested by the staff in the program shone through in the seamless integration of orientation, pre-work, and the immersion experience, successfully building a strong connection to the campus. Despite being 95% remote quarter, I felt deeply connected to the university resources and the quality of education was not compromised. It was an enriching and transformative experience.
We are getting ready for next year’s incoming class – any advice for our incoming students as they think ahead to their first immersion in September?
Adjusting back to academic life after a decade was a bit of a hurdle. In hindsight, I would tell my past self to worry less and trust the program’s process. The courses on Building Effective Teams and Leading Teams and Organizations, which were less technical, played a crucial role in fostering trust within our team and the wider cohort. They also helped in reshaping my mental model to be more open and adaptable to new challenges and ways of thinking.
Foster Together: the Hybrid MBA immersion experience
Each quarter, the Hybrid MBA community welcome our 145 students on the University of Washington Seattle campus for a true immersive experience. Our students engage in a four-day whirlwind of programing and classes with Foster faculty, HMBA career management team, leaders of industry, their peer mentors, alumni, and their fellow students! From lecture halls to team building, fireside chats to indoor minigolf competitions – immersion is where our students utilize in person activities to create genuine and meaningful connections with their fellow students, faculty, and HMBA and Foster alumni and professional networks. Learn more about the Hybrid MBA program, attend an information event, and enjoy below our gallery of connection!