Taking the World Dai by Dai
By Daizha Brown, Foster Undergraduate who is participating in an exchange with Bocconi University.
Three months ago today I boarded a flight to go halfway across the world for 1/3 of the year. It was the scariest decision of my life! Here I am in Milan, and experiencing an amazing and unique time of my life. Every day I wake up, I am truly thankful I can live my dreams and see the world!
With just one month left, I can look back on my time so far and say it has been a rich, challenging, and fun time abroad. I’ve traveled somewhere almost every weekend! Going to new cities and countries each weekend is what has really made my exchange special. The highlight of my exchange was going to Barcelona because it was a dream come true. All the anxiety, stress, and nervousness I had 3 months ago, was worth it once I was watching the sunset and looking over the entire city I had dreamed of visiting since I was a kid.
Now for the study part of study abroad, I can say this is the most relaxed quarter I have ever had. I still make sure I am on top of everything, read chapters for class, and take notes. However, all my classes are a lot less demanding
than I expected, which is a good thing considering how much traveling I’m doing. I am taking three marketing electives. Marketing communications is a decent class, graded on one final exam and 3 in class activities. I decided to take Management of Fashion Companies as “non-attending” which is more of independent learning with no lectures and just a final exam. Lastly, E-Marketing and E-Commerce class consists of 50% group project and 50% final exam. I love my schedule because I only have one class each day between Tuesday and Thursday. E-Marketing class constantly gets cancelled at least once every week so often I only have class two days a week. Not to mention, I had no midterms this quarter! During the midterm break I traveled Central Europe to Berlin, Prague, Vienna and Budapest!
I’m making the most of my final month here with traveling, exploring more of Milan, and indulging in gelato and lasagna. Throughout my time abroad, I’ve captured the moments through vlogs you can watch on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DivaDaizha as well as more posts on my personal blog: www.daibydai.com