The Foster Cup
The Foster Cup is a cross-class competition aimed to build camaraderie amongst MBA students. The idea was created by former 2011 class president, Raja Das, who despite not being very athletic, found an outlet for his real skill which is talking smack. This smack talking turned into cross-class football game in the fall of 2010. The football game was such a success, that a year-long multi-sport competition, now known as the Foster Cup was born. The first annual Foster Cup was made up of both athletic and non-athletic events, ranging from football and softball, to chess and foosball. The 10 event competition wasn’t decided until the final event, when Scott Heinz made a fade-away three pointer to win the basketball game and bring home the Foster Cup to the class of 2012.
As business school students like to do, we decided to tinker with the format of this year’s Foster Cup to try and make it even better. The 2nd annual Cup is designed to further promote participation from all members of the class, not just the athletic types. So far the plan has worked, proven by the 125 people who participated in the Green Lake Fun Run event, more than doubling the total from last year. The current standings for this Foster Cup has the 2013 class in the lead with 2 points by winning the Fun Run and Huddle Games, compared to the 2012 class who has 1 point for winning the Football game. Events on the calendar for later in the year include basketball, soccer, Chinese Downhill ski race, bicycling, hiking and of course Scott Heinz will defend his foosball championship from last year.
~Guest Blogger Adam Hitch, Full-Time Class of 2012