TMMBA Week in the Life: Radu Mocanita, Day 3
Radu Mocanita, TMMBA Student, Class of 2015
Wednesday is usually the team meeting day for our study group. Not today though, as we skipped it due to tomorrow’s deadline for Micro homework. There’s a strategy in choosing this day of the week – we meet at the East Side Executive Center and we can take advantage of the leftovers from Wednesday’s session 😀 No, I’m kidding, that was not the main reason. The main reason is that Wednesday is conveniently placed after self-study day on Tuesdays and so we can all bring knowledge to the table. Moreover, we can also socialize a bit more with the Wednesday section folks, as we only see them every other Saturday.
The study group is a really cool experience and the TMMBA staff is very careful when assigning the teams. They want to make sure each group is diverse and brings a unique set of skills to the table and the program is centered around building strong relationships between individuals. During the Immersion week, back in December, we had the Building Effective Work Teams class in which we learned a whole lot about forming a successful team and being part of one. It’s amazing how much more effective people can be when solving a problem as part of a team, as opposed to doing it on their own. We actually had a test that we took individually and then as a team. It was quite impressive to see that with brainstorming within a team we scored more than the sum of individual scores. Simply amazing.
But coming back to the student schedule, Wednesday mornings are no different than any other day of the week. I wake up at 7, I snooze a bit until it’s too late and I’m already late and then I jump in the car to beat the traffic and reach the office a bit after 8. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t like that before. By all means, I am not a morning person. Usually my UI thread is unresponsive before 9 am so I developed a survival skill to be able to drive, work and even talk to people without moving more then 5 muscles on my face. Then, at about 9, the coffee kicks in (thank god they discovered coffee) and I really wake up and come to life.
But I had to shift my schedule. This way I get some decent two hours of silence in the morning to be able to get stuff done until 10 when everybody comes in and all hell breaks loose. Thing is, this schedule allows me to leave the office earlier and beat the traffic (again) so I can maximize my study time at home, in the evenings.
Back to today, I’m now getting ready to finish the last Micro chapter and I am already done with my homework. Can’t believe I finally finished it – the last homework of the quarter! Three more exams and I’ll be done! That being said, wish me luck for those exams next week, I have a feeling I’ll need it.