Undergraduate Student Ambassador: Michelle Yoshihara
Name: Michelle Yoshihara
Major: Human Resources, Information Systems
Hometown: Issaquah
Activities: Asian American InterVarsity, Foster Mentorship Program
Why Foster?: I chose Foster because it provided me with ample opportunities for growth and I felt I could make an impact on this community. I think what truly sets this school apart is its dedication to investing in its students as well as making their experience here successful and fun!
Over Summer Break I…I worked with the career center on varying special projects including coordinating the volunteers for our fall career fair. I also had the chance to vacation to Hawaii and California!
After graduation, I plan to…work in university recruiting to give all students a fair opportunity to establish and grow their careers.
Advice to future students:Work hard at what you do, but remember that it’s okay to fail and make mistakes. The rough times are what grow you as a person!
Favorite place to study:My apartment’s big comfy couch
Favorite place to eat on the Ave: Ku Sushi