CISB offers unique language opportunity

Laura Mallorca with her husband and two kids

Laura Mallorca with her family

I am Laura (Morus) Mallorca, married to Francis Mallorca, with our kids, Karis Andrew and Analyn Grace, living and working in Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines. I graduated from the Foster School with a BABA in 2006 and earned a Certificate of International Studies in Business.

How has CISB helped you in your career?
As a member of the Custom Track, CISB opened my eyes to much more than my specific language track, which was quite unique (Philippine Sign Language). As a result of my internship abroad to complete my CISB requirement, my husband and I were hired as newlyweds to bring the local NGO to a neighboring island and establish a partnership with the Department of Education, creating a new sister organization that still operates today.

What are a few highlights from your work abroad experience?
My fondest memory from my work abroad experience came after I had lived in a fully deaf Filipino environment for just a month. My deaf coworkers said of me and my grasp of their sign language, “Laura is just like us, she’s one of us.” I felt so accepted, and it cemented in my heart a love for the people of the Philippines and my desire to see this community grow through business and education opportunities.

What are your career plans?
Well, I was able to almost immediately pursue my career goal to work for International Deaf Education Association, in Leyte, Philippines now called Leyte Island Association for the Deaf. My husband and I served together as the LIAD coordinator for Leyte, establishing classrooms, hiring and training teachers, coordinating with the Department of Education and Department of Social Welfare and Development, building a dormitory, and giving an opportunity for life and language to dozens of previously unschooled deaf children. LIAD now has high school students and has started offering employable skills training and income generating projects for deaf graduates on Leyte Island. As of 2012, I no longer serve with LIAD. I am now proudly a stay-at-home mom to two beautiful kids while supporting my husband in his career endeavors and exploring small business opportunities where we live in Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines.

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