Colleen Brown on responsibility, reputation, and resilience

Colleen Brown is the founder and CEO of Marca Global LLC, an award-winning online reputation management firm. She has served as an adviser and board member to many public and private companies and select digital start-ups, including True Blue, Delta Dental, American Apparel,, and many others.

In the video above, Colleen draws on her years of experience as a CEO leading companies through “turnaround” situations, serving on corporate boards, and working in the reputation management field, to share stories and insight on the qualities of a great leader.

For Colleen, the three most important concepts for future leaders are responsibility, reputation, and resilience. Everything you do, as a CEO or simply as a person, speaks to your character, and in the digital age everything you do follows you forever. In the face of constant scrutiny, it’s more important than ever to be able to pick yourself up and try again.

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