EY Day at Foster had PACCAR Hall buzzing
On May 11, 2016 the Foster School of Business hosted EY Day—a day to recognize this big-four firm for all of the time and resources they have dedicated to our school.
Whether it’s in the EY Center for Career Advancement or the numerous events the firm hosts for students on campus, EY’s presence can be felt throughout the community.
The day started out by the Jiambalvo Hearth. Upbeat music, popcorn, snacks, and professionals from EY and students connecting over their pasts and futures had PACCAR Hall buzzing all day. A “selfEY” station with a large, luminous EY sign for students to take photos with was a hit with students participating in the event even as they rushed to and from class.
At lunch, students took seats in Anthony’s Forum for the Partner Spotlight session with Dan Smith, managing partner of the Seattle office. “You are the future of EY,” Dan said in his talk. “So we need to continue to support schools like Foster. Without you, we wouldn’t be successful.” Dan’s talk and experiences throughout his career taught us that it is important to take advantage of any opportunities that come our way, and that you never know where they’ll lead. He spoke of his 35+ years of experience with the firm, from his time in assurance, to rebuilding the consulting and advisory branch of the firm and later his experiences as the managing partner, all of which wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t open to trying new experiences.
What spoke to me in his speech was EY’s focus on diversity and inclusion, and how important it is to have a diverse group of employees to reflect the ever-changing environment we work in. He emphasized diversity in the sense that does not focus solely on gender, but every aspect of an individual’s background. His speech left us feeling truly inspired.
EY Day was an inspirational event that recognized and continued the legacy of Ernst & Young’s contributions to the Foster community. Foster graduates work at EY in 23 cities around the world, with 21 EY partners being Foster grads. By engaging students with activities, talks, and networking opportunities, it showed Foster students a glimpse of our futures, and inspired us to do our best—connecting us with people who showed us exactly what happens when we do.
Guest post by Aysha Aijaz, Foster senior pursuing options in accounting and information systems
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hopefully bring good to many people.
Nice info. Thanks
Great information and fruitful.