Honor Roll: Foster faculty recognized for outstanding achievements in 2018
Faculty members of the UW Foster School of Business have received awards and accolades—at the university, national and international levels—for excellence in research, teaching and leadership in 2018. Here are some highlights:
Elected Fellow, Academy of Management
The former department chair and current associate dean was one of only nine scholars worldwide elected to the fellowship of this most-prestigious academic organization in the field of management, recognizing a distinguished career of scholarship and service.View Xiao-Ping’s Profile
PACCAR Award for Excellence in Teaching, UW Foster School
In only his second year at Foster, a panel of MBAs selected the dynamic deHaan worthy of the school’s top teaching award, and one of the most prestigious in the nation.View Ed’s Profile
President-Elect, Financial Accounting and Research Section, American Accounting Association
McVay’s outstanding record of research and leadership has positioned her to lead the financial accounting wing of the premier organization of academic accountants in the 2019-2020 academic year.View Sarah’s Profile
Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award, Marketing Science Institute
Maynard Best Paper Award, Journal of Marketing
In a big year for the highly decorated scholar, Palmatier received top honors for two studies, was named co-editor of the prestigious Journal of Marketing and named the 10th most productive marketing scholar in the world by the American Marketing Association.View Robert’s Profile
Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association
The premier organization of academic accountants recognized Quinn for his paper identifying who is using corporate financial statements as research for investing, and what they are doing with them.View Phillip’s Profile
Favorite Professor, Poets & Quants
The go-to business school news site selected the charismatic Rakhra among the nation’s finest educators of undergraduate business students for going “above-and-beyond” to inspire.View Raj’s Profile
MSI Young Scholar, Marketing Science Institute
Sayedi was named one of the most promising young scholars in the world by the influential research organization that partners marketing academics and executives from around the world.View Amin’s Profile
Outstanding Author Contribution, Emerald Literati Awards
This Foster newcomer was recognized by one of the world’s largest academic publishers for her 2017 study explaining how crowds, emerging and evolving through time and space, shape the emergence of new markets.View Sorah’s Profile
Gold “Circle of Excellence” Award, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Shulman’s popular Seattle Growth Podcast—an ongoing series exploring the ramifications of the region’s dramatic economic and physical transformation—was deemed the very best higher-ed online series in the world.View Jeff’s Profile
Hall of Fame inductee, The PhD Project
The trailblazing African American scholar and inspiration behind Foster’s Consulting and Business Development Center has been immortalized by the organization dedicated to increasing diversity in the academic and corporate ranks.View Thad’s Profile
“Dedicated to Excellence” Award, JPMorgan Chase
After investing $2.5 million in the Center’s “Ascend 2020” national expansion, the financial services giant honored Verchot for his life’s work to create equity and opportunity for small and minority-owned businesses in Seattle and beyond.View CBDC Website
S. Rains Wallace Dissertation Award, Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
During his rookie season at Foster, Wee received highest honors from the influential professional association for his paper demonstrating that making yourself essential at work can help end cycle of supervisory abuse.View Elijah’s Profile
Paul Green Award (finalist), Journal of Marketing Research
Yoganarasimhan’s 2017 paper identifying the presence and cause of fashion cycles in the data was deemed one of the finest of the year by the top-tier journal in the discipline of marketing.View Hema’s Profile
Foster was ranked #3 in the world (and #1 among public b-schools) based on the number of research papers published by faculty in the top 48 scholarly journals, representing every business discipline.Read more about Faculty Research