Not 2 Techie

DearTMMBA_640pxMany of our readers have pressing questions about the nature of a Technology Management MBA from UW’s Foster School of Business. From “Tell me about Foster” to all the way to “How will I survive an 18-month program?” So, we’ve decided to respond to myriad inquiries about the MBA for technology professionals.

If you have a question of your own,  please feel free to write Dear TMMBA  or you can call us at 206-221-6914.

I have determined I need an MBA to go further in my career, but does “technology management” mean the program is designed mainly for IT managers or others immersed in the bits and bytes of technology?

-Not 2 Techie

The TM before MBA speaks more to the student cohort than the course content. The curriculum delivers an excellent graduate business education that will make your MBA a powerful asset. And while the class discussion, case studies and business trends will focus more on the tech sector, none of the material is technical in nature. Our students find that they can relate to the tech sector focus, and it helps provide context whether you’re coming from accounting or engineering.


Read other ‘Dear TMMBA’ stories.

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