A quintessential UW experience for EMBA students
On Friday afternoon, November 9th, 40 Foster School Executive MBA students went to the Conibear Shellhouse for their afternoon class. Students appreciated hearing from UW Women’s Rowing Coach Yasmin “Yaz” Farooq, who provided her unique championship insights on rowing, and the challenges and importance of teamwork and leadership. Next, Yaz gave the students instructions on team rowing on the 8-person “Erg” machines used by UW Rowing and gave them an opportunity to try out their new skills!
“We learned that rowing is more than being strong, it is about positioning your team, being in sync and having a leader that can pull the best from you. I think all of us in the EMBA program can relate this experience with UW Rowing to our teams at work and school,” said EMBA student Seth Storset.
EMBA Faculty Debra Glassman joined the class as well: “It was great – inspirational, thoughtful, and energizing!”