Time Management

Lucas Perin, TMMBA Student

The TMMBA can be very demanding in terms of time. It’s very likely that you have a job (I think you must have one to apply, although keeping one is harder and harder these days), and hopefully, you have a life.

When I started the TMMBA, I had a wife and one son. Now I have two. Sons, I mean, I still have just one wife, although keeping one is harder and harder these days.

I should not forget: having a baby during the TMMBA is madness. Therefore, saving time is very important. Here are some tips:

  • – Pre-reads: yep, they’re useful. You read before the class, you’ll understand more of the class, and you’ll need less effort to catch up later. The challenge is to make time for them. I get to work early and read for about 30-45 minutes, it serves me well.
  • Amazon Fresh: It will save you some time, it has good stuff, it is sort of local, but some items are a little more expensive than Safeway, especially the “fresh” ones. Safeway is good for online groceries, too. The good thing about Amazon Fresh is that you don’t need to be present to receive your groceries. You can also purchase some Amazon.com items and have them delivered with your groceries (the service is called Amazon Now).
  • Get out of Facebook: I like it, but it takes too much time. Some people are still going to be friends with you even if they don’t say so in Facebook.
  • Comcast DVR: You’ll skip the commercials. But really, if you have time to watch TV, why are you looking for time saving tips?

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