TMMBA Week in the Life: Radu Mocanita, Day 6
Radu Mocanita, TMMBA Student, Class of 2015
Wait, what?! Wake up on a Saturday morning at 7 am when it’s 25F outside and go to school? Really? That’s something I asked myself 6 times in the past 3 months. But not this weekend, this weekend I am off duty. Well, kind off, because I just spent 6 hours on the Stats exam. It wasn’t that bad after all, I think you can do it in far less than that if you’re better prepared.
The good part is that it was the crappy Seattle weather in full effect today, so at least I am not sorry about spending all day indoor. If it continues tomorrow – which I think it will – I’ll take time to do the Micro exam as well and then be free for the rest of next week.
But let me tell you how a school Saturday looks like. As I was saying, wake up at 7:30-ish and jump in the car with no breakfast. They provide breakfast there so you’ll eat with the classmates. We don’t socialize that much because we are all still sleeping at that time so luckily they also provide coffee. Lots of it! I definitely need it for 8 straight hours of school as I haven’t done that since my undergrad, a couple of years ago. After a few breaks and lunch, finally 4 30 comes and we’re out the door. Usually I keep the rest of the Saturday for fun, going out, watching a movie. If it’s sunny outside, go outdoor, have some fun, live a little.
Sometimes it’s challenging, I tell to myself when I think about the commitment I made. However, looking back at the quarter now, I realize that this program is really well thought: it is much easier to get into the right mind set now, in the winter, when you don’t have much to do, compared to all the temptations in the summer. It can be difficult at times, but you know you do this so you can live a little better in 18 months. It’ll happen, you’ll see.