Undergraduate Student Ambassador: Ramon Jiang
Name: Ramon Jiang
Major: Finance, Information Systems
Hometown: Bellevue
Activities: Foster Exchange Program (Peking University), First-Year Interest Group (FIG) Leader, UW Orientation Leader, Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, Business Impact Group (BIG) Consulting, Global Business Case Competition Ambassador
Why Foster?: The Foster School of Business provides an inclusive environment for students to work together to solve real-world problems and create innovative business solutions. Foster’s faculty and staff are willing to work with all students to help them succeed during their time at the University of Washington and after graduation.
Over Summer Break I…was an Orientation Leader for the University of Washington. I worked with 24 other Orientation Leaders to introduce over 6,000 freshmen, transfers, and their parents to the University of Washington’s campus and the resources it has to offer!
After graduation, I plan to…travel for a couple of months, and then work for a large technology company on the West Coast.
Advice to future students: Everyone talks about all of the highs experienced during college, but there will also be lows. Maintain a growth mindset and be comfortable with making mistakes. Learn from them and continue to pursue your passions! Always take time to meet new people, even outside the Foster School of Business. Stay positive, and make your four years here special!
Favorite place to study: My room.
Favorite place to eat on the Ave: You can’t miss at any restaurant on the Ave, but my favorite place to eat is Thai Tom. There will likely be a long line, but the food is worth the wait!