Shulman named associate editor of Management Science
Jeff Shulman, the Marion B. Ingersoll Professor of Marketing at the UW Foster School of Business, has been named associate editor of the influential academic journal Management Science.
In 2010 and 2015, he received the journal’s Meritorious Service Award for the quality and quantity of his reviews.
Shulman continues to serve as senior editor of the Production and Operations Management Journal, as associate editor of journal Decision Sciences, and as an editorial review board member at Marketing Science.
Bridging marketing and operations
Shulman joined the Foster School in 2006 after earning his PhD from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
He was named Outstanding Senior Editor of Production and Operations Management Journal in 2015; received the Distinguished Service Award from Management Science in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2016; and was named a Top 20 Reviewer by the International Journal of Industrial Organization in 2014.
At Foster, he was named the 2014 Undergraduate Faculty of the Year in Marketing and International Business. He held the Michael G. Foster Faculty Fellowship from 2011 to 2016. And he received the Dean’s Junior Faculty Research Award in 2010.
Shulman’s research, steeped in analytical modeling, focuses on marketing problems related to pricing, product returns, decisions under limited information, and the interface between marketing and operations.
Podcaster and filmmaker
In a different kind of research capacity, Shulman also is the creator, host and producer of the acclaimed Seattle Growth Podcast. In six seasons, the podcast has explored Seattle’s ongoing economic and cultural transformation and examined its repercussions on transportation, real estate, emergency services, healthcare, small business, music, arts, culture, professional sports and homelessness—nearly every facet of life in the Emerald City.
Since its 2016 launch, the podcast has sparked more than 100,000 downloads and turned Shulman into a “citizen expert” to the national media on topics such as Seattle’s homelessness crisis, Amazon HQ2 and the campaign to bring back NBA basketball.
In 2018, the Seattle Growth Podcast won a Gold Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
The podcast inspired Shulman to produce and co-direct a documentary film, “On the Brink,” which chronicles efforts to preserve the soul of Seattle’s historically African-American Central District. The film has screened across the country and aired locally on public television.