Yoganarasimhan recognized by American Marketing Association for exemplary research and mentoring
Hema Yoganarasimhan, a professor of marketing and Michael G. Foster Faculty Fellow at the University of Washington Foster School of Business, has received the 2020 Erin Anderson Award from the American Marketing Association (AMA).
Each year, the award recognizes one emerging female marketing scholar who has made an extraordinary impact through her research and mentoring of doctoral students and junior faculty.
It has been a banner year for Yoganarasimhan. She is the founding faculty director of the Foster School’s new Center for Customer Analytics, which she launched this year to apply academic research toward solving challenges of partner companies with cutting-edge applications of analytics and machine learning.
And a few months ago, she was named a Marketing Science Institute Scholar (alongside Foster colleagues Nidhi Agrawal and Oliver Rutz), for her exemplary contributions to marketing research and practice.
Quality Quant
Yoganarasimhan earned her PhD in marketing from Yale University and served on the faculty of the UC Davis Graduate School of Management until joining the Foster School’s Department of Marketing and International Business in 2014. Elsewhere at the UW, she also holds adjunct faculty appointments at the Allen School of Computer Sciences and Engineering and the Department of Economics and is a faculty affiliate at the Center for Statistics in the Social Sciences.
Recognized as one of the leading experts in quantitative marketing, Yoganarasimhan’s research brings together large-scale marketing data, economic theory and econometric and machine learning tools to help firms optimize and automate marketing decisions. Her areas of specialty are digital marketing, online advertising, two-sided markets, auctions and online search.
She has received the Adobe Digital Marketing Research Award (2017), the John D.C. Little Best Paper Award (2013), the Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award (2012) and the MSI Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award (2008).
In 2015, Yoganarasimhan was recognized as an MSI Young Scholar, before being named an MSI Scholar just five years later.
At Foster, where she teaches Analytics for Marketing Decisions and Dynamic Structural Models in Marketing, Yoganarasimhan has received the PhD Mentor Award (2017) and the Lex N. Gamble Family Award for Excellence in Case Development and Curriculum Innovation (2018).
She serves as co-editor of the journal Quantitative Marketing and Economics, and as associate editor of Management Science and Marketing Science.
Marketing leader
The American Marketing Association is the largest marketing association in the world, with more than 70 professional chapters and 350 collegiate chapters throughout North America and in select international locations. It connects organizations and individuals who practice, teach and study marketing.
The Erin Anderson Award was established in 2008 to honor the late scholar from INSEAD whose research made significant contributions to the marketing discipline. Recipients are chosen based on the impact of their research publications and their mentoring of doctoral students and junior faculty.
Yoganarasimhan is the third faculty member of the Foster School’s Department of Management and International Business to receive the Anderson Award in its 12 years of existence. Nidhi Agrawal won the award in 2017 and Natalie Mizik in 2012.
This makes the Foster School home to 25 percent of all Anderson Award winners—more than any other university in the world.