Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson
VP of Product Management – Intelligent Platform Solutions at SGH – SMART Global Holdings

I’m a reformed engineer turned product management executive. My career has been primarily focused on defining and delivering computing system products for AI, High-Performance Computing, and Cloud.

The TMMBA program was so instrumental in my career progression. I continue to use the principles and skills I learned in that program today, and I am happy to pass on what I’ve learned to current students

As a mentor, I excel at…

  • Leadership development
  • Engineering
  • Product Management transition
  • Career planning

When I have free time, I…

cook.  Primarily in the backyard on the barbeque or smoker.

My motto/tagline is…

“The hardest achievement in business is killing a product.” I say this to my team all the time. Projects have inertia, are almost impossible to kill (especially lukewarm/good ones), and take up resources. You can’t take on great projects if other projects are taking up all the resources, so killing a project that has not lived up to expectations should be celebrated.

My favorite podcast is…

Lately, I’ve discovered the “Smartless”podcast. Just nonsense, but fun nonsense.

The one piece of technology I couldn’t live without is…

My coffee machine. I assume no explanation is necessary.

Don’t ask me about…

The former NBA team in Seattle.  15 years after they were stolen from us, I still miss the Sonics. Still a little bitter.